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  • Writer's pictureanisa akhtar

Have yourself a sustainable little Christmas

Updated: Jan 4, 2020

A more sustainable way to consume nature is to get out in to it. Reconnecting with nature is good for us and good for the natural world.

Managed to dodge the chaos of Black Friday and bypassed Cyber Monday, just in time for the onslaught of the Christmas countdown?

Over the last six months I've made the choice not to buy any new clothes- it's been brilliant! I realised that the clothing industry, like all consumerism, attempts to convince us that we can buy happiness. I'm not suggesting everyone must follow- although my neighbours could definitely benefit considering how many online shopping parcels are in our porch this morning! The point is that we are constantly convinced that we are making choices to purchase and consume the products we buy. In reality we are becoming more and more disconnected from the process of manufacturing and delivery of products that we have almost become completely disconnected with any kind of choice at all.

Thinking more carefully about the origin of our food

As my blog draws to a close for the moment, I would invite you to look out from personal perspectives and visions and consider different possibilities. Maybe you'll eat turkey this Christmas, maybe not. Perhaps in light of what we've explored over the last couple of months you'll consider how your turkey made it to your table.

I hope you've enjoyed thinking about the ideas explored in this blog and they've given you some food for thought. I've found the process of blogging oddly enjoyable - a self-proclaimed technophobe, I'd usually prefer pen and paper- but I think that it's enabled me to engage with academic literature and current affairs in a way that I otherwise may not have had I not been writing in this format. It's been good to get my ideas out there; I've spoken to lots of people over email and in person- blogging clearly promotes conversation.

Thought for food is something that is only going to grow in the current global climate. It's important that we ensure we think about it in the way we choose to and that thought is hopefully considered and conscientious. I'm hoping to continue this blog in the new year so please sign up for updates!

Here's to a new year of more conversation!

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